VGUH – Examinations
Costs: € 66.- per exam (for the supplementary examination in German or English this fee includes both the written and the oral part.)
Register for the supplementary examinations via your VGUH student account!
All supplementary examinations can also be taken without attending a course.
Supplementary examination in German
1st part: written examination (reading comprehension, structures, writing texts)
2nd part: oral examination (only if you have successfully passed the written examination). The oral examination takes place approximately six working days after the written examination. You have to pass both parts of the examination to pass the supplementary examination in German.
Supplementary examination in other subjects
English: The supplementary examination in English consists of a written and an oral part. You have to pass both parts of the examination to pass the supplementary examination in English.
Written: Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics
The following aids are permitted in the mathematics exam:
Calculator: TI 30 X IIS, TI 30 X II B, TI 30 X a, TI 30 ECO RS
Mathematical formula collection (AHS), ÖBV Verlag