VGUH – About us
About us
International students from more than 70 different countries attend the University Preparation Programme of the Graz Universities (VGUH). These students have been granted admission by one of the universities of Graz and have to take supplementary examinations. Depending on which supplementary examinations the universities prescribe and depending on their knowledge of German the students will spend 1 to 5 semesters at the VGUH. After that they can start their regular university studies.
The OeAD runs the preparation programme on behalf of the Graz universities. These higher education institutions each delegate one representative to the advisory board, which is the VGUH’s supervisory body. The advisory board appoints the teaching staff, who conduct the courses and examinations according to the examination regulations.
The teachers teach German as a foreign language, biology, chemistry, English, geography, history, mathematics and physics.