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Data Protection Declaration

Data Protection Declaration of the University Programme of the Vienna Universities

Version of 05.12.2023

This English document is a translation of the official Data Protection Declaration in German which can be found at https://vorstudienlehrgang.at/de/datenschutzerklaerung.  Please note that only the German text is legally binding.

The University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities (VWU) is a university programme established jointly by six Viennese universities to prepare students for and to administer supplementary examinations. These universities have entrusted the OeAD-GmbH — Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation), Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna (OeAD-GmbH) with the organisational and commercial implementation of the VWU. To guarantee sufficient places in preparatory courses for the supplementary examination in German (EPD), the OeAD-GmbH has contracted two other institutions (cooperation partners) for the implementation of these courses:

  • Sprachenzentrum der Universität Wien, Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH
  • die Berater UnternehmensberatungsGmbH.

We are particularly concerned with protecting and securely storing all the personal data that you entrust to us, and which is collected during the preparatory courses for supplementary examinations, when taking the required supplementary examinations at the VWU, or when using our online services. In this document you will learn more about how and to what ends we process and use your personal data. We ensure both technically and organisationally that all data protection regulations are observed both by us and by our external service providers. We process your data in the following two areas, which is why you will find two different data protection declarations here:

  1. during your attendance of our preparatory courses at the VWU or with our cooperation partners, and for taking supplementary examinations
  2. when using the online services of the VWU (our website, electronic contact via emails)
  • Processing of personal data during the attendance of preparatory courses and for taking supplementary examinations (VWU)
  • Use of VWU online services (our website, electronic contact)

Processing of personal data during the attendance of preparatory courses and for taking supplementary examinations (VWU)

1 Legal Basis

Your data will be processed exclusively in accordance with the statutory provisions (in their currently valid versions), in particular:

2 Data Controller, contact persons

The data controller for the processing of your personal data while you attend preparatory courses for supplementary examinations at the VWU or its cooperation partners, or take supplementary examinations at the VWU, is the university that has required you to take supplementary examinations, or has accepted you as a non-degree student to attend the preparatory courses:

If you received admission letters stating that you need to pass one or more supplementary examinations from several of the universities mentioned above, the following passages always relate to all of these universities together. For reasons of better readability, only one university is mentioned in the following text.

The OeAD-GmbH – Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation), Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna (OeAD-GmbH), as well as the above-mentioned cooperation partners, are only data processors for your university, i.e. they will process your data only on behalf of the assigning university.

3 Your rights

3.1 The rights to access, to correct, to restrict processing, to object, and to erase, to transmit data and to complain

You have the right to obtain information about your processed personal data from the responsible university at any time. If there is no legal obligation to retain this data, you also have the right to have this data erased or to object to its processing. You also have the right to have your data corrected, to have its processing restricted, to have your data transmitted, and to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Wien, email: dsb@dsb.gv.at).

3.2 Contact details for exercising your rights
The OeAD-GmbH may not correct, delete or restrict the processing of your data, which it processes on behalf of a university, on its own authority – but only in accordance with the provisions of relevant legislation, according to documented instructions from a university, or with your consent. You must also inform the referring university yourself of any changes to your personal core data (§ 59 (2) UG 2002). The OeAD-GmbH will inform you in this matter in the event of an incident. For your own inquiries, please contact the OeAD-GmbH at vwu@vwu.at, or write to us by post or make a personal appointment at: The University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities, Sechshauser Straße 33A, 1150 Vienna. Alternatively, you can also contact your university's data protection officer directly.

4 Data processing upon registration for and during course attendance at VWU

4.1 Types of data processed
The data you provide when registering for courses at the VWU or with a cooperation partner will be required and processed for the preparation, execution, and documentation of your preparatory courses. In the course of this handling of data, additional data is processed: data on your study status at the university (provided by the university), payment information on your course and examination fees, data on your statutory health insurance (namely the corresponding health insurance agency, for which you receive confirmation of registration for courses), your language skills, your course information, your course attendance, examination registrations, as well as your learning progress (level, test results, entitlement to proceed to the next level), which are collected by us or our cooperation partners. We also use your data to contact you and to provide you with information about your course attendance.

4.2 Passing on of your data
All of the data described above will be passed on by the OeAD-GmbH to the university that has accepted you as a non-degree student in order to attend the preparatory course. If you attend a preparatory course with a cooperation partner, your data will also be passed on by the OeAD-GmbH to this cooperation partner. In compliance with the legal obligations of your university and the OeAD-GmbH, we may also need to pass your data on to government authorities. The OeAD-GmbH also receives data about you from the university that has accepted you as a non-degree student in order to attend the preparatory course, e.g. whether you have paid your tuition fee/ÖH fee, and are still registered as a non-degree student. Furthermore, the OeAD-GmbH receives data about your course schedule, your attendance of the courses, and your learning progress (level, test results, entitlement to proceed to the next level) from the cooperation partner where you are attending preparatory courses.

4.3 Data processor
Your data will be processed by the OeAD-GmbH through an IT service provider who operates our administrative database in a protected computer centre. We have required this IT service provider to take sufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. This IT service provider is not permitted to disclose your data (except in legally regulated cases). For information about the contracted IT service provider, please contact us at vwu@vwu.at.

4.4 Announcement of course information via public notice
Until a technical solution is implemented for sending you data about your course schedule directly by email, we and if applicable our cooperation partners will only post course assignments on the premises of the VWU or our cooperation partners with your matriculation number (without your name).

4.5 Legal basis, storage period
Data processing is carried out on behalf of your university on the basis of Art 6 (1) lit b GDPR (fulfilment of a contract, or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures) and the Universities Act, including the implementing regulations (e.g. for student records). Please also see the data protection declaration of your university:

Your data will be stored on behalf of the university:

  • examination documents: two years
  • registration data and other data that could be used for public liability claims: 30 years beginning with the end of your course attendance.

5 Data processing during registration for and the taking of supplementary examinations

5.1 Types of data processed
The data you provide when registering for supplementary examinations at the VWU will be required and processed for the preparation and handling of written and/or oral supplementary examination(s) at the VWU. Your data will also be processed for the evaluation of the supplementary exams, whereby the results of these evaluations will only be published in anonymous form. Furthermore, we will use your data to contact you and communicate information regarding your supplementary exam(s).

5.2 Passing on of your data
Your data described above will be passed on by the OeAD-GmbH to the university that has required you to take a supplementary examination. In compliance with the legal obligations of your university and the OeAD GmbH, we may also need to disclose your data to state authorities.

5.3 Data processor

Your data will be processed by the OeAD-GmbH through an IT service provider who operates our administrative database in a protected computer centre. We have required this IT service provider to take sufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. This IT service provider is not permitted to pass your data on (except in legally regulated cases). For information about the IT service provider, please contact us at vwu@vwu.at.

5.4 Announcement of time and place of examinations via public notice

Until a technical solution is implemented for sending you this data directly by email, we will only post the locations and times of exams on the premises of the VWU with your matriculation number (without your name).

5.5 Legal basis, storage period

Data processing is carried out on the basis of Art 6 (1) lit c GDPR (fulfilment of a legal obligation which the OeAD-GmbH is subject to) and the Universities Act, including implementing regulations (e.g. for examination records). Please also see the data protection declaration of your university.

The data concerning your taking of the supplementary examination(s), in particular the examination record and certificate, will be stored on behalf of the universities in accordance with the statutory provisions (§ 53 University Act) for 80 years after the supplementary examination(s), and the examination documents of the supplementary examination(s) themselves for 2 years after you take the exam.

Use of VWU online services (our website, electronic contact)

1 Legal basis

Your data will be processed exclusively on the basis of the statutory provisions (in their currently valid versions), in particular:

2 Data Controller, contact person

The OeAD-GmbH — Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation), Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna (OeAD-GmbH), is data controller for data processing in relation to the use of the VWU website or electronic contact. For requests for processing, access, correction or erasure of your data, please send an email to vwu@vwu.at.
Our data protection officer is Mag. Christian Pichler-Stainern, datenschutz@oead.at.

3 Your rights

3.1 Your rights to access, to correct, to restrict processing, to object, to erase, to transmit data and to complain

You have the right to access your processed personal data, as well as the right to correction with the responsible entity OeAD-GmbH at any time. As long as there is no legal storage obligation or any other legal basis for the processing of your data, you have the right to have this data erased or to object to its processing. Furthermore, you have the right to restrict processing, (where applicable) to transmit data, and to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, email: dsb@dsb.gv.at).

3.2 Contact information for exercising your rights

To exercise any of the rights above, please contact us at datenschutz@oead.at or OeAD-GmbH, Attn. Data Protection Officer Christian Pichler-Stainern, Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. Please address any complaints to the data protection authority directly at the above-mentioned address.

4 General information on the use of our online services

You can use our online services without disclosing your identity. However, if you make an enquiry via our contact form or by email, we will ask you for your name and other personal information such as your email address. We require this personal data to process and answer your inquiry.

4.1 Data processor

As part of the operation of our websites, we commission IT service providers who may gain access to your personal data in the course of their activities, provided that they require the data to fulfil their respective services. We have required these IT service providers to take sufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. These IT service providers are not permitted to pass your data on (except in legally regulated cases). You can request further information on the IT service providers commissioned by us at datenschutz@oead.at.

5 Website: cookies, other tracking tools and web analysis 

5.1 General information

Cookies, web beacons and the Matomo analysis software are used on our internet platforms. Your IP address will also be stored for a period of 3 days in order to analyse any attacks, irregularities or errors.

5.2 Cookies
Cookies are small text files serving to optimize the presentation of our website on your device, and to determine the frequency of use and the number of users of our website. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies in your browser settings. Please consult the instructions of your browser supplier to find out how this works in detail. If you choose not to accept certain technical and/or functional cookies, the functionality of our website may be restricted. Some cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them.

5.3 Web beacons, tracking and web analysis

We use the Matomo web analytics service to analyse the use of our websites. This analysing service enables us to analyse online behaviour in terms of time, geographical location, type and operating system of the device used (PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone), the browser used, and overall website usage. This enables us to optimise the information offered to users and the appearance on various devices (PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone) and browsers. This information is collected via cookies (see section 5.2 above) and Web beacons. Web beacons are small graphics on websites that allow log file recording and analysis, which are used for statistical evaluation. The information thus generated is transferred exclusively to our server and stored for analytical purposes. It is not linked to any personal data. The information about your use of this website will not be passed on to Matomo or third parties.

5.4 Cookie settings

You can – with the exception of technically necessary cookies – decide for yourself which cookies you choose to accept when using our website. You can delete stored cookies in the system settings of your browser at any time. Not accepting cookies, however, may lead to functional restrictions in our website features.

5.5 Legal basis

Our data processing is done in compliance with the legal provisions of §§ 165 TKG 2021 and Art 6 (1) lit a and f GDPR, in particular on the basis of your consent to voluntary disclosure of your data, or on the basis of our legitimate interest in being able to statistically track the use of our website and integrate other media.

6 Use of the contact form or enquiries via email

6.1 Use of your data

Your data, including personal data from our contact form, will be transmitted to us via the mail server of our IT service provider in order to process your request, and will be deleted by them immediately after transmission. The data will be processed and stored by us. Inquiries via email are accepted by our own mail server. No data will be passed on to third parties without your consent (with the exception of legal obligations).

6.2 Legal basis, retention period

Data processing is carried out in compliance with the legal provisions of §§ 165TKG 2021 and Art 6 (1) lit a (consent) GDPR. Your data will be stored for a period of 3 years for documentation purposes, for improvement management, and to respond to follow-up inquiries.

Privacy policy of the University Preparation Programme of the Graz Universities

Version of 05.12.2023

The University Preparation Programme of the Graz Universities (VGUH) is a course that has been established jointly by 5 universities of Graz (see 2) to prepare students to take supplementary examinations.

These universities have entrusted the OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD-GmbH) with the organisational and commercial implementation of the VGUH.

We are particularly concerned with protecting and keeping safe all personal data that you entrust to us and that is collected when you attend the preparatory courses for supplementary examinations and when you take the prescribed supplementary examinations at the VGUH or when you use our online services or the learning platform. In this document you will learn more about how and for what purpose we use and process your personal data. We ensure both technically and organisationally that both we and external service providers comply with the data protection regulations.

We process your data in the following situations, which is why you will find 3 different privacy policies here:

  1. while you attend preparatory courses and take supplementary examinations at the VGUH.
  2. when you use the VGUH’s online services (website, electronic contact, student account)
  3. when you use the learning platform we process personal data while you attend the preparatory courses and when you take supplementary examinations (VGUH)


Processing of personal data while you attend preparatory courses and take supplementary examinations (VGUH)

Use of the VGUH’s online services (website, electronic contact, student account)

Processing of personal data when you use the University Preparation Programme of the Graz Universities (VGUH)’s learning platform

Processing of personal data while you attend preparatory courses and take supplementary examinations (VGUH)

Legal basis

We process your data exclusively in accordance with the legal regulations (as amended), in particular:

2 Responsible institutions, contact persons

If you attend preparatory courses for supplementary examinations at the VGUH or take supplementary examinations at the VGUH, the university that has required you to take supplementary examinations or has admitted you as a non-degree programme student to attend preparatory courses is responsible for the processing of your personal data:

  • Karl-Franzens University Graz, Universitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz, datenschutz@uni-graz.at
  • Graz University of Technology, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, datenschutz@tugraz.at
  • Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 2, 8036 Graz, datenschutz@medunigraz.at
  • University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Leonhardstraße 15, 8010 Graz, datenschutz@kug.ac.at
  • University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Graz, Eggenberger Allee 11, 8020 Graz, datenschutz@fh-joanneum.at

If you have been admitted by more than one of the above-mentioned universities and been prescribed supplementary examinations by them, the following text always relates to all of these universities together. For reasons of better readability the following text always refers to one "university".

The OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation, Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna (OeAD-GmbH), is only a data processor of your university, i.e. we only process your data on behalf of the relevant university.

3 Your rights

3.1 Right to information, correction, restriction of processing, objection, deletion

You have the right to get information from the responsible university about your processed personal data at any time. Unless there is a legal obligation to retain the data you also have the right to have this data deleted and to object to processing. Furthermore, you have the right to have your data corrected and to restrict the processing, to data transmission, and to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, e-mail: dsb@dsb.gv.at).

3.2 Contact details for exercising your rights
The OeAD-GmbH may not correct or delete your data or restrict the processing of your data that it processes on behalf of the university on its own authority but only in accordance with the provisions of study law, documented instructions from the university or with your consent. You must also inform the university yourself of any changes of your personal data (§ 59 para. 2 Universities Act). The OeAD-GmbH will inform you of this if the occasion arises. Please contact office@vguh.at for your enquiries or write to us per post or make an appointment to speak to us in person: Vorstudienlehrgang der Grazer Universitäten und Hochschulen, Neubaugasse 10, 8020 Graz.

4 Data processing when registering for and attending courses at the VGUH

4.1 Types of data processed
The data you provide when registering for a course at the VGUH is required and processed for the preparation, carrying out and documentation of the preparatory courses. We also process data regarding your study status at your university, payment information regarding the course fee and examination fees, your language proficiency level and/or subject knowledge, your course allocation, your attendance of the courses, examination registrations and your learning progress (placement, final test results, semester assessment). Your data will also be processed to evaluate the preparatory courses offered; the results of these evaluations will only be published in anonymised form. Furthermore, we use your data to contact you and to send you information about your course.

4.2 Passing on of your data
The OeAD-GmbH will pass on all your data mentioned above to the university that has admitted you as a non-degree programme student to attend the University Preparation Programme. In order to comply with legal obligations of your university or the OeAD-GmbH we may also have to pass your data on to government authorities. The OeAD-GmbH receives data about you from the university that has admitted you as a non-degree programme student to attend the University Preparation Programme, e.g. whether you have paid the tuition fee / Student Union membership fee and are still enrolled as a non-degree programme student.

4.3 Data processor
The OeAD-GmbH will process your data via an IT service provider who runs our administrative database in a protected data processing centre. This service provider has been obliged by us to take adequate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. This data processor is not permitted to disclose your data (except in cases where this is required by the law). For more information about the data processor please contact us at office@vguh.at.

4.4 Legal basis, retention period
Data is processed on behalf of your university according to the legal provisions of Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR (fulfilment of a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures) and of the Universities Act including the implementation regulation (e.g. for student records). Please also refer to the privacy policy of your university:

Your data will be stored on behalf of your university as follows:

  • Test documents: 6 months
  • Registration data and other data will only be stored for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose in compliance with the relevant legal provisions.
  • Examination data according to § 53 of the Universities Act: 80 years

5 Data processing when registering for and taking supplementary examinations

5.1 Types of data processed
The data you provide when registering for supplementary examinations at the VGUH is required and processed to prepare and administer the written and/or oral supplementary examination(s) at the VGUH. Your data will also be processed to evaluate the supplementary examinations; the results of these evaluations will only be published in anonymised form. Furthermore, we use your data to contact you and send you information about your supplementary examination.

5.2 Passing on of your data
The OeAD-GmbH will pass on your above-mentioned data to the university that has required you to take a supplementary examination. In order to comply with legal obligations of your university or the OeAD-GmbH we may also have to disclose your data to government authorities.

5.3 Data processor
The OeAD-GmbH will process your data via an IT service provider who runs our administrative database in a protected data processing centre. This service provider has been obliged by us to take adequate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. This data processor is not permitted to pass on your data (except in cases where this is required by the law). For more information about the data processor please contact us at office@vguh.at.

5.4 Legal basis, retention period
Data is processed according to the legal provisions of Art 6 para 1 lit c GDPR (fulfilment of a legal obligation to which the OeAD-GmbH is subject) and of the Universities Act, respectively, including implementation regulations (e.g. for examination records). Please also refer to the privacy policy of your university:

Your data concerning the taking of the supplementary examination(s), especially the examination protocol and the examination certificate, will be stored on behalf of the universities in accordance with the legal provisions (§ 53 Universities Act) for 80 years from taking the supplementary examination, and the examination documents for the supplementary examination(s) themselves for 2 years after you have taken the examination

Use of the VGUH’s online services (website, electronic contact, student account)

1 General legal provisions

Your data will be processed exclusively in accordance with the legal regulations (as amended), in particular:

2 Institution in charge, contact person

The responsible institution for data processing when you use the VGUH’s website or when contacting us electronically or using the student account is the OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation, commercial register number (FN) 320219 k (commercial court Vienna), Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna.
If you have any questions regarding the processing, and for information, for correction or for deletion of your data, please send an e-mail to office@vguh.at. Our data protection officer is Mag. Christian Pichler-Stainern, datenschutz@oead.at.

3 Your rights

3.1 Right to information, correction, restriction of processing, objection, deletion, complaint and data transmission
You have the right to get information about your processed personal data as well as the right to have your data corrected by the responsible OeAD-GmbH at any time. Provided that there is no legal storage obligation or other legal basis for the processing of your data you have the right to have this data deleted and the right to object to the processing. Moreover you have the right to restrict the processing, to data transmission (where applicable) and to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, e-mail: dsb@dsb.gv.at).

3.2 Contact details for exercising your rights
To exercise any of the above-mentioned rights please contact us via e-mail: datenschutz@oead.at or write to us: OeAD-GmbH, attn. Data Protection Officer Mag. Christian Pichler-Stainern, Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien.
If you wish to complain to the data protection authority, please address your complaint directly to the above-mentioned address of the Austrian data protection authority.

4 General information about the use of our online services (websites, electronic contact)

Basically you can use our website without disclosing your identity. If, however, you make an enquiry via our contact form or by e-mail, we will ask you for your name and other personal information such as your e-mail address. We need this personal data to process and answer your enquiry.

4.1 Data processors
To run our website we commission IT service providers who may gain access to your personal data in the course of their services, provided that they require this data to fulfil their services. These service providers have been obliged by us to take adequate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. These service providers are not permitted to pass on your data (except in cases where this is required by the law). For more information about the data processors we have commissioned please send us an e-mail to datenschutz@oead.at.

5 Website: Cookies, other tracking tools and web analysis

5.1 General information
Cookies, web beacons and the analysis software Matomo are used on our Internet platforms. Moreover, your IP address will be stored for a period of three days to analyse any attacks or irregularities or errors.

5.2 Cookies
Cookies are small text files serving to optimise the presentation of our website on your device, to determine the frequency of use and the number of users of our website. By using our website you consent to the use of cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies in your browser settings. For details of how this works please refer to your browser manufacturer's instructions. If you choose not to accept certain technical and/or functional cookies, the functionality of our website may be restricted. Some cookies will remain stored on your device until you delete them.

5.3 Web beacons, tracking and web analytics
We use the web analytics service Matomo to analyse how our websites are used. This analytics service allows us to analyse online behaviour with regard to time, geographical location, type and operating system of the device used (PC, laptop, tablet, mobile/cell phone), browser used and website usage. This enables us to optimise the information offered to our users and the display on different devices (PC, laptop, tablet, mobile/cell phone) and different browsers. This information is collected via cookies (see 4.2) and web beacons. Web beacons are small graphics on websites that allow log file recording and log file analysis that can be used for statistical analysis. The information generated in this way is only transferred to our server and stored there for analytical purposes. This data will not be linked to personal data. The information about your use of our website will not be passed on to Matomo or to third parties.

5.4 Objection to tracking
If you do not agree with the storage and analysis of your visitor data, you can deactivate this at any time by means of the following option. A Matomo deactivation cookie will then be stored in your browser.

5.5 Rechtliche Grundlagen

Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt auf Basis der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen des § 165 ff TKG 2021 sowie des Art 6 Abs 1 lit a und f DSGVO, insbesondere aufgrund Ihrer Einwilligung durch freiwillige Bekanntgabe Ihrer Daten bzw. aufgrund unseres berechtigten Interesses, die Nutzung unserer Website statistisch nachvollziehen und andere Medien einbinden zu können.

6 Nutzung des Kontaktformulars oder elektronische Anfragen per E-Mail

6.1 Nutzung Ihrer Daten
Ihre Angaben inklusive persönlicher Daten aus unserem Kontaktformular werden zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage über den Mailserver unseres IT-Dienstleisters an uns übermittelt und dort nach Übermittlung sofort wieder gelöscht. Die Daten werden von uns weiterverarbeitet und bei uns gespeichert. Anfragen per E-Mail werden von unserem eigenen Mailserver entgegengenommen. Sämtliche Daten werden ohne Ihre Einverständniserklärung (außer in gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Fällen) nicht an Dritte weitergegeben.

6.2 rechtliche Grundlage, Aufbewahrungsdauer
Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt auf Basis der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen des § 165 ff TKG 2021 sowie des Art 6 Abs 1 lit a (Einwilligung) DSGVO. Ihre Daten werden für die Dauer von 3 Jahren zur Beantwortung von Folgeanfragen, zu Dokumentationszwecken und zum Verbesserungsmanagement gespeichert.

Processing of personal data when you use the University Preparation Programme of the Graz Universities (VGUH)’s learning platform

1 Legal basis

Your data will be processed exclusively in accordance with the legal regulations (as amended), in particular:

2 Institution in charge, contact person

Responsible for data processing when you use the VGUH’s learning platform or when contacting us electronically is the OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation, commercial register number (FN) 320219 k (commercial court Vienna), Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. If you have any questions regarding the processing, for information, for correction or for deletion of your data, please send an e-mail to office@vguh.at. Our data protection officer is Mag. Christian Pichler-Stainern, datenschutz@oead.at.

3 Your rights

3.1 Right to information, correction, restriction of processing, objection, deletion
You have the right to get information about your processed personal data at any time. Provided that there is no legal storage obligation you also have the right to have this data deleted and to object to processing. Moreover, you have the right to have your data corrected and to restrict the processing, to data transmission and to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Wien, e-mail: dsb@dsb.gv.at).

3.2 Contact details for exercising your rights
To exercise any of the above-mentioned rights please contact office@vguh.at or our data protection officer.

4 Data processing when using the learning platform

4.1 Types of data processed
When you register for the learning platform your name, your e-mail address and your VGUH ID will be recorded. When you use the learning platform additional data will be processed, such as the IP address of the device with which you access the learning platform, your logins and logouts as well as your other activities on the learning platform, your assignment to learning groups, course units accessed and completed (including completion status and test results), course documents accessed or downloaded. Your data will also be processed to evaluate the electronic learning offer; the results of these evaluations will only be published in anonymised form. Furthermore, we will use your data to contact you and to send you information, especially with regard to the learning platform (e.g. information about updates, new learning offers and learning materials).

4.2 Passing on of your data
The above-mentioned data will only be seen by your teacher, the operators of the learning platform at the VGUH and the management of the University Preparation Programme. The data will not be passed on to third parties outside the University Preparation Programme (except to the IT service provider according to 4.3). However, in order to fulfil legal obligations (e.g. in case of alleged copyright infringements or misuse of the platform – see terms of use of the platform) we may have to pass your data on to government authorities.

4.3 Data processor
The OeAD-GmbH will process your data via an IT service provider who runs the learning platform on a protected server. This service provider may gain access to your personal data in the course of their services, provided that they require this data to fulfil their services. This service provider has been obliged by us to take adequate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your data. This data processor is not permitted to pass on your data (except in cases where this is required by the law). For more information about the data processor please contact us at office@vguh.at.

4.4 Legal basis, retention period
Data is processed according to the legal provisions of Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR (fulfilment of a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures). Your data will be stored for 6 months after the end of the respective semester at the VGUH.

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